Friday, March 29, 2013

Top Tips For Designing Great iPhone Apps | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

There’s an app for that. But is there? Do you have an idea for an app? Do you wonder how people build and create the really popular ones? So where do you begin? Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

An Idea

Start with your idea. Write it down and organize your thought. What is it you want your app to do? How will it help people? Organize your thoughts and plan out what supplies you might need. There are a lot of questions that you need to ask and answer, to plan your project.

One Goal

When you start to build your app, focus your screens on one primary goal. This seems simple and that is the point. If you have a screen to enter an email address, then make that screen only about entering an email. That should be the center of the screen, the main focus. Do not crowd the screen with multiple tasks. Be wary of your users and the variety of technology they may be using. As a designer, it is your task to decide the most important job of that screen. Weight the primary goal so that it stands out and lower the priority of any secondary tasks.

Tap the Target

The cell phone today is based on finger and thumb operations as opposed to the mouse clicks or physical buttons. The techs at Apple recommend to developers a minimum of 44x44px for elements that the user will be interacting with. The visual button does not need to be this size, just the clickable area. The design can utilize areas that extend beyond the visual button size, just make sure the extra does not overlap with other buttons.

Picture This

This is about the visual impact of pixel density, pictures, bitmaps and scales. You want to design your pixels for the retina display; this means high-resolution images. Don’t make your user strain to figure out what low-resolution graphics are. This should be a given, but worth mentioning for those of you thinking you can get by with lower resolution or bitmaps.


Stay away from wireframes and use flowmaps. You want to have a detailed understanding of the flow of your app. How will it work; what is the pattern; how do users process the information? The flowmap guides the application and how the user makes it work and even the simplest apps should have well thought out navigational structures. Make sure your primary functions are on the top level of function screens, not buried beneath.

Extra Views

When there is a lot of information, use extra views. So, if you are moving into a new view and there is a lot of information that needs to be given, do not overwhelm your user. Instead add another view and split the information up. Use a single view for small bits of information.

Liveview to Preview

So you have put in hours of programming on your computer and you have been doing all your previews on your monitor and it looks good. The problem is nothing looks the same on the phone as it does on the computer monitor. Therefore, when programming and testing, always use Liveview by Nicholas Zambetti to preview your interface. The process is simple and easy to use.

Create Bespoke Buttons

Don’t go with default buttons. Design buttons that match your interface. Set the button style to custom, include background images or draw a new button style that you code. There are so many options. This is where you get to have fun with the visual programming.

Tell the User

Have you ever been using an app and the program transitions but all you see is a dark screen? You are left thinking, “Oh, it crashed.” Don’t do this to your user. When your program is working, loading or processing let your user know. Use loading indicators so that your user knows what is going. Never keep users in the dark and always try to imagine you are a user novice when testing the app’s ease of use and functionality. Following these simple pointers should ensure your app doesn’t fall by the wayside.

Author bio: R. Hoyal has been writing about technology, travel, culture and the environment for the past few years. He works for many online publications, London SEO agencies and currently has a keen interest in music and eco-friendly technology.

Top Tips for Designing Great iPhone Apps – Click to Tweet

Top Tips For Designing Great iPhone Apps

Monday, March 25, 2013

How To Use IFTTT For Internet Marketing | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

As any internet marketer knows, time is money! We are busy folks with a never ending to do list so anything that can help us save time is essential.

What Is IFTTT?

IFTTT (If This Then That) is a fantastic free tool that lets you connect web services so they can talk to each other.

It works like this-

Real Life Examples

To make it easier to understand let me give you some real life examples of how to use the tool-

  1. Every time you update your Twitter picture, your Facebook picture gets updated

  2. Every time you publish a blog post, a backup gets saved in Evernote/Dropbox

  3. Every time your tagged in a photo on Facebook, it gets saved to Google Drive

They are just a few examples of how you can use IFTTT.

It is actually compatible with a huge range of services that you can connect together and make your own ‘recipes’ like the examples above.

Creating Your First IFTTT Recipe

After you have registered for the site you can create your first recipe.

In this example I’m going to show you how I automatically backup my blog posts to Evernote. So every time an RSS feed is updated, we want to make a copy to Evernote.

First of all click Create Recipe and you’ll see something like this-

Just click on This and you will be asked to pick your trigger channel.

Select Feed from the list and then New Feed Item – you should see something like this-

Now just paste in the RSS feed URL from the blog you want to automatically backup and click on Create Trigger

Next click on That and select Evernote > Create a note

You should see something like this-

As you can see I have told it to create a new note in the ‘Blog Backup’ notebook.

You can leave everything else at default (add tags if you wish) and then click Create Action

The final step is to double check everything is setup as you wish and to give it a description-

Once you are happy just click on Create Recipe and you’re done! Voila!

Now every time you publish a new post, a backup will automatically appear in Evernote!


So now you know how to use IFTTT and understand just how powerful it can be I wanted to show you some real examples of how I use it on my blog.

Content Creation

I publish 2 popular posts on my blog every month, one is the income report round up and the other is what I have read this month.

Income Report Roundup

This post is a just a ranking of blogs that have published income reports the previous month along with a few notes of how they did it.

Instead of hunting down these posts every month I have created a few IFTTT recipes that automatically downloads the income reports into an Evernote notebook as soon as they are published.

So when I come to writing the post all I have to do is look at the ‘Income Reports’ notebook in Evernote and all the information I need is right at my fingertips saving me about 30 minutes of manual digging!

What I Have Read This Month

This post is just my way of sharing all of my favourite internet marketing related posts from the last month.

I have all of my favourite RSS feeds setup with Google Reader and then created this recipe-

So every time I star an item in Google Reader, it gets copied to the ‘Reading List’ notebook in Evernote.

I also have the Evernote web clipper installed on my web browser so I can easily save other articles to that notebook as well as I’m browsing.

Social Media Archiving

If you engage on social media it is always great to have a backup of it all. Twitters searchable archives only go back a week or so but IFTTT can help us out with that!

You can create a recipe for each social network that will automatically backup any status updates/photos that are posted to your backup service of choice.

That could be Dropbox, Google Drive or Evernote!

Other Uses

Quite a lot of IFTTT users choose to share their recipes so others can use them as well.

Here are a few that stood out-

Video Tutorial

For those of you that prefer video I have also created a video based tutorial for IFTTT which you can watch below-

How Will You Use IFTTT?

So now you know how amazing IFTTT is and how easy it is to use – how are you going to use it?

There are literally millions of ways you can combine the services IFTTT supports to do nearly anything you want.

Whether that is managing your blog, getting updates on stock prices or even automating your home – IFTTT has you covered!

About The Author

Won the ProBlogger ‘One To Watch 2013′ award with his blog that publishes high quality internet marketing tutorials. Discover how he took the blog from $600 to $10,000 a month in just 4 months. You can follow him on Google+.

How To Use IFTTT For Internet Marketing – Click to Tweet

How To Use IFTTT For Internet Marketing

Friday, March 22, 2013

Authorship Markup In Googles Post-Penguin Environment | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

You have to think about the Google Authorship Markup process when it comes to making your images on your site easier to find on Google. It is a big part of what makes search engine results easier to see.

The fact about Google is that it often posts images on its search result pages. These include posts on not only the top-rated images for the image section of a page but also a few photos that might be posted next to some of the top-rated items on an engine. This might add to the visibility that comes with any result.

You have to use Authorship Markup if you want your site to be more visible. It is a smart solution dedicated to giving your site access to more people at any given time.

Why is This Important?

This part of SEO in the post-Penguin era is important because your author rank is just as important as your page rank. The two ranks you have are often joined to add a general idea of the ranking that you have to use on the search engine.

The author has to be trustworthy to actually get a page to rank high up. This is a process that must be used carefully.

How To Get There

The process of getting your site posted up well enough on Google is important to see. You have to start by verifying the email that your site is linked up to. This is so you can prove that you run that email address and that you have consistent access to it.

Next, you need to use a bio page on your blog or other site you have. The profile you have on your blog should be used as the source of a photo you have or the information relating to what you write about.

Adjusting Google Plus

You can get a Google Plus account set up as well. You can create a profile with your own picture and follow that up with a profile description that relates to what you have to offer. You can link to your Google Plus page and your main business website as well.

Don’t forget to keep everything verified. This has to be verified if your site is to be trustworthy and easy to read by Google so your site can show up properly.

This can all be done from a service from a company like but it can also be completed from just about any computer that you have. You just need to make sure you create pages that are arranged and organized well enough so Google can actually move through them.

This process for Authorship Markup has to be used carefully if you want to excel in SEO plans for Google. This is all made to give your site a more visible appearance that will make it stand out and be more noticeable when compared to other places that you might find online.

Authorship Markup In Googles Post-Penguin Environment

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google Glass Project: What You Need to Know | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Google Glass

Google Glass

For those who don’t know what all this talk about Google Glass is about, here they are. You will find them to be the coolest of cool features you will not like to let go.

You can Record Videos, Shoot Pictures and Make it Respond to Voice Commands

If you want to take pictures or shoot videos the only little thing you have to do is talk it out to your device and Google Glass will start working on your commands. This will particularly be helpful when you are driving your car or when not inclined to use the touch screen. Google Glass also has a 4 GB flash memory into which you can store you photos, video clips and send it your account in social media. Google Glass is also capable of sending email with the photos attached and that too by voice commands.

Your Questions Will Be Answered, If there isn’t any Answer Google Glass will Find One for You

You will no longer have to type in the words and wait for answer. All that you need to get your question answered is to ask Google Glass. If for example you want to know the best restaurant in New York, all that you have to ask is, Show me the best Chinese restaurant and there they will be before you. Likewise you can ask for the best photos of your actor or actress and Google Glass fetch them for you. This function is also available on Android OS driven smart phones too.

Using the Internet can Get Lot Easy with Google Glass

Your Google Glass is capable of syncing with the internet automatically without your even knowing about it. If you have a special eyewear you can use it with the speaker and other devices and you can straight away surf the internet. It is an easy way out and nothing will miss your eyes. It is sort of like the monitor traveling to your eyes, rather than the other way round.

Translation and Finding Your Way Around in Foreign Countries

With Google Glass you can be sure about find your way around the world. If you are held up somewhere in a foreign country and you don’t see anyone to ask for directions, all that you have to do is take a snap of the some indicator around, a name indicator perhaps and send it straight to Google. Google’s computers will instantly process the image you sent them and give you the translated version of the indicator. Of course that presumes the information you want is already in Google’s computer. However, Google will never say, I don’t you will still get some information to wade through. However, don’t expect that to happen in mid sea. Google Glass needs to have some prior data.

Google Glass Will Help You Share Videos with Your Family

If you have just see something very strange or something very interesting and you want share it with you family back at home, Google Glass will help you do that instantly. Suppose you are in a restaurant in California and your son or daughter wants to see the dish you are eating, all that you need to do is use Google Glass, and moments your family will be able to see them. Of course, Google Glass will not be able to take the dish to your family. Let’s see if Google Glass will bring that too, if not now at least sometime in the future.

If Your Too Busy to Track Your Habits, Leave it to Google Glass will Do it For You

Inside the Google Glass there is video recorder that will record every movement you make. That means it will keep a tab on the time you wake up, went to exercise, eat your breakfast, the car you took to office, the lunch you eat and even the little things like the small nap you took at noon. It will help you change your habits for good. That means you will get the opportunity to save time and concentrate on core activities. It is kind of a 24-hour monitor at your beck and call. Never again you will forget your morning exercise or those pleasant movements you experienced in your neighborhood park.

This is a guest post by Ethan Millers of, a site that offers savings and current information on the best cable and internet providers, as well as other services.

Google Glass Project: What You Need to Know – Click to Tweet

Google Glass Project: What You Need to Know

Saturday, March 16, 2013

iPhone Apps To Help Grow Your Business | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

iPhone Apps To Help Grow Your Business

iPhone Apps To Help Grow Your Business

Ever wondered why iphone users have been hooked onto it, especially people belonging to the productive age group? Well, iphone is not just a teeny bopper device for the tech-savy generation, it also has loads of applications that help you manage and improve your business, regardless of turnover and size.

Here is a peek-a-boo on the best smartphone applications of iphone that help business officials

iWik: this miniature version of Wikipedia provides you a huge database of information, with about 10 million articles. What’s more appealing is that you can search, go back, and also manage photos through this little Wikipedia application. Priced at just 0.99$, this is an amazing app for business information.

MobileChat: this is a background application that notifies you whenever new messages pour into your inbox. It’s fairly versatile given its integration with different kinds of services: AIM, MobileMe, ICQ, Windows Live, Yahoo, GTalk, etc. Pegged at just 2.99$, this application is a must for every business executive.

Jott for iphone: this is an amazing iphone application that transcribes the numerous spoken ideas into web messages and text. This is usually saved in archived emails and the application is available free of cost; however Jott account is mandatory.

Tripper: Are you a business executive on the move? You can manage your travel expenses through its data entry features: start and end destination listing. You can manage travel expenses associated with different clients through customizable categories. It also helps you record mileage while traveling through its advanced GPS system.

QuickBooks Online: this application is integrated with the accounting software of Intuit. This is used by small business owners to manage their credit and debit transactions in their bank account. Although the application is free, the monthly usage costs of this application are about 9.95$.

Classic RPN Calculator: this application resembles the 3-D conventional calculator in every sense of the term. You may use this application for general conversion of different parameters: weight, height, length, etc. Some of the common logarithmic and trigonometric functions can also be performed with this application.

PocketPunchclock: this is an amazing application for people who manage their projects and work on hourly basis. Thanks to this software, you can find the exact time elapsed for every task and maintain a record through numerous timesheets. This is location-specific with GPS technology.

SpeechCloud Voice Dialer: the iphone does not have the conventional business phone voicemail, but this application helps you fill that void. All you need to do is mention the person’s name when the application asks you after you have pressed the appropriate button.

iPhone Apps To Help Grow Your Business – Click to Tweet

iPhone Apps To Help Grow Your Business

Monday, March 11, 2013

Top Wordpress Non-Profit Premium Themes | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Non Profit WordPress Themes

Non Profit WordPress Themes

I will break down the top Non-Profit WordPress themes into the top themes for churches, charity, environmental, political, and activism.  There are so many free and premium WordPress themes on the market that it can be difficult to decide what to use and when.  Many times the free themes are simply not enough for your online business website so a premium theme is necessary.  Most themes are relatively inexpensive, under $100 USD so a premium theme for your WordPress site is definitely a good option.  Below I will break down the nonprofit themes into groups for easier navigation.  I will show you the top theme for non profit churches, charities, environmental groups, political sites, and activists.

Risen – Church WordPress Theme

Risen Church WordPress Theme

Risen Church WordPress Theme

If you are a religious organi ation then you need the risen church wordpress theme. This theme inlcudes a image and video gallery, sermon archive, calendar of events, support for multiple locations, staff members, and news.  Inside the sermon archive you can add audio and video, while sorting through them via date, category, speaker, or tag.  This is a highly customi able theme with multiple backgrounds, colors, and fonts to chose from.  Another great feature is that the theme is mobile optimi ed and ready for smartphones and tablets.  With full support and a price tag of only $45 this is an excellent theme to purchase.

WordPress Aid: Charity + Blog Theme

WordPress Aid Charity Blog Theme

WordPress Aid Charity Blog Theme

The WordPress Aid theme is perfect for charity organi ations.  The main focus is to raise funds for the charity while alerting website visitors about important issues occurring throughout the world.  Priced at $45 this is a very affordable and stylish theme for a wordpress site.  It is very easy to use and set up and comes with customer support if you need assistance setting it up.  There are many color options as well as well as a easily customi able logo area.  With 70+ social networking icons ready to go the site is truly ready for a web 2.0 charitable organi ation.

Green Earth – Environmental WordPress Theme

Green Earth Environmental WordPress Theme

Green Earth Environmental WordPress Theme

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly wordpress theme then you need to have a look at Green Earth.  This theme was created to service both businesses and not for profit organi ations.  It is very simple to use and comes with a ton of features.  The theme also includes over 450 founts with a way to upload your own custom font if you cannot find one you like.  This site is set up for search engine optimi ation (SEO).  There images support alt tags to help the search engines understand what the images are.  The site layout is also customi ed to allow the search engine spiders to find content before the sliders.  This shows more relevancy to the content and helps you rank for your specific keywords more easily.  This theme costs $50 which is relatively inexpensive for most premium wordpress themes.

Campaign – Political WordPress Theme

Campaign Political WordPress Theme

Campaign Political WordPress Theme

When running a political campaign or running for any electoral office you need to purchase the Campaign wordpress theme.  These is a built in form to capture email addresses to include in a newsletter or any promotional marketing you do.  For example, the night before the vote you can email all your subscribers a reminder to vote for you.  This is a very convenient feature and is easy to set up and utili e.  A calendar shows upcoming events that you are holding where people can find you.  No mater what political party you are in, this is the ideal wordpres theme.  Purchase this theme for only $40 USD today.

Animal Care – Premium WordPress Theme

Animal Care Premium WordPress Theme

Animal Care Premium WordPress Theme

When seeking out the ideal activism wordpress theme the one that comes to mind first is the Animal Care theme.  It is very responsive and full of customi able features.  Priced at only $45 this is affordable for any website owner.  You have an unlimited amount of sidebars, over 100 fonts, shortcodes, and much more in this activism theme.

There you have it.  I have laid out the top non profit wordpress themes.  If you think I left anything out or have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below.  Happy website building!

Top WordPress Non-Profit Premium Themes – Click to Tweet

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why You Can’t Ignore Google Plus | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

google plus

google plus

Are you still ignoring Google Plus because you think it’s not up to the standards of the all-mighty Facebook? Still not convinced that Google Plus will stick around? This post will persuade you otherwise. You’ll learn Google Plus’ sneaky adoption strategy and how Google lures users in with their suite of awesome webware.

Google Plus is Now #2 Behind Facebook

In roughly a year and a half Google Plus has come from nowhere to become the second most popular social network. Yes, the gap between Facebook and Google Plus is still huge, but second place is nothing to snee e at. Google Plus now supports over 400 million users as of late 2012, supporting higher traffic than Twitter which had a five year head start.

To put those 400 million users in perspective that’s roughly 25% of all total internet users (compared to 21% using Twitter and 51% using Facebook). One out of every four is impressive.

When you’ve got a powerful user base like that you can do cool things like, invite the President of the United States to a video chat with your users. In addition, Google Plus is constantly creating hot new features, like Hangouts and Communities to lure more users. People are finally starting to reali e that this Social Network isn’t going away anytime soon.

Yet It’s More Than Just a Social Network

If you still think that Google Plus intended to compete directly with Facebook then you don’t fully recogni e the power of Google Plus. It’s strength lies in being tied to a myriad of other insanely popular web services (all of which have their own impressive user bases).

It’s been said that Google Plus is the “Social Glue” of all of Google Products. It’s not about being a stand alone social network; Google is leveraging its other web services and pulling them all together with Google Plus. Here are a handful of Google services that are allied in ensuring Google Plus’ success:

  1. The first most popular search engine: Google

  2. The first most popular video sharing site and second most popular search engine: YouTube

  3. The most popular online email client: Gmail

  4. The most popular web browser: Chrome

  5. The most popular web mapping service: Google Maps

Think about it; how many of these are you already using? The takeaway is that Google Plus is not a standalone service like Facebook or other social media sites, it’s tied to a massive company and an assortment of hugely popular products.

Google’s Sneaky User Adoption Strategy

Impressively, Google has achieved this success with a soft sell approach to marketing. The company doesn’t heavily promote Google Plus, they use their many products and services to pull you in. You may not have reali ed it, but Google has been making some major changes in it’s products to lure new users to Google Plus:

  • When Google launched it’s public beta in September 2011, they added a huge blue arrow on Google’s homepage to pull attention to Google Plus, luring people to sign up.

  • Google created it’s new Author Rank program to lure bloggers into Google Plus with the promise of a headshot when their blog comes up in the search engine results. This personali es their search result and gives Google Plus users an advantage over non-users in the search rankings.

  • The Google Plus One button is becoming more and more popular, because research indicates that it positively affects your search engine rankings.

  • Google Places was absorbed into Google Plus, so that small business would create product pages and pull customers too. These results are tied to Google Maps, which pulls in agat ratings, Street views, and reviews from people on Google Plus. This again helps search ranking.

Are you starting to see how all of these tie together? Google keeps coming out with ama ing products, all tied together with Google Plus, and they give them away for free. Remember that Google’s business model has always been about giving away awesome products/services and making money on the advertising.

For example, one ama ing feature of Google Plus that stands above all the rest: Google Hangouts. It’s free video chatting that in many ways is better than Skype. You don’t have to download anything (it works seamlessly in your browser), and unlike Skype you don’t need a premium (paid) version to have a multi-person video chat. People are even starting to use this for interoffice communication. It’s a game changer. The only catch is you need to sign up for Google Plus to use it.

Another way that Google pulls you in is by allowing you to use your other Google account user names and passwords to access Google Plus. This makes the process simple and frustration free from a user standpoint. You don’t need to fill out a lengthy form to access Google Plus, you can log in with your Gmail or YouTube account (or any other Google accounts).

Who Benefits Most from Google Plus?

Most social networks have target markets or fanatic user bases whether they are intended or not. Pinterest typically has been more popular with the female demographic, Twitter is popular with younger kids who are leaving Facebook after being friended by their parents, and Facebook has a growing portion of older individuals.

What demographic is the most engaged on Google Plus? Who will get the most from joining? Statistics show that Google Plus is still more popular with males (about 69% male users). In addition, there are a few industries and demographics that are on fire at Google Plus.

Initially, Google Plus drew a more tech minded crowd. It’s popular among developers and engineers. This is not surprising, since Google was founded on the philosophy that engineers are the most important people on the team. What is surprising is that there is also heavy engagement from the designer and photography crowds. One reason for this is because the design of Google Plus lends itself well to photos. There is plenty of space for pictures to breath with all that white space. Designers and photographers appreciate this.

Take Action

If you are in any of these industries -Software Development, Engineering, Photography, Design -and you are not yet on Google Plus, you are missing out on tons of opportunities to “hang out” with and engage customers in your industry. It’s not too late. Join Google Plus, then check out their newest feature: Communities. It’s the best way to talk to potential customers in your industry.

About the Author: Brandon Nolte runs a website that gives Android app building advice to entrepreneurs. If you would like to invite the author to guest post on your blog please contact, or connect with him on Google Plus.

Why You Can’t Ignore Google Plus

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Promote Events on Facebook | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

How to Promote Events on Facebook

How to Promote Events on Facebook

Facebook is a social media giant right now. It has everything you need to help spread the word about anything. So of course, Facebook would make an excellent tool to promote events, but promoting events is more than just sending invites to people; it can be more difficult than that. Which is why Mari Smith has created a case study that provides us with six ways that help effectively promote events on Facebook, by using the Social Media Success Summit 2011 event by the Social Media Examiner as an example.

Add social share buttons to your event registration page

The first way is to add social share buttons to your event registration page. Smith states that “numbers mean social proof;” the more Likes, retweets or shares you have and whatnot, the more likely other people will think of your event as popular. Smith then suggests to position any social buttons you have, like the TweetMeme retweet button, Facebook Like button and the LinkedIn Share button, on the top right of your page, above the fold, as this eliminates the need to scroll down to find it. Adding a Facebook comments plugin can also add to the visibility of your event page, as it syncs with user profiles.

Add a blurb to your Facebook Page banner

The second way is to add a blurb to your Facebook Page banner. Smith considers that “the image on your fan page is prime real estate.” Utili e the image space you have to promote your event and attract more likes.

Promote your registration page on your fan page wall

The third way is to promote your registration page on your fan page wall. You can promote the direct link to your event as long as you’re able to provide enough content about your event in your fan page wall. Mixing up your registration page and the link to your event can also work wonders.

Create a Facebook event

The fourth, oddly enough, is to actually create a Facebook event. You can do this via your personal profile and your fan page. Creating from your personal profile gives you the ability to message your friends about the event through their Inbox, although this makes it just as easy to spam your friends about the event, so be careful. Furthermore, the downside to fan page-created events is that you can only send updates to all your fans. Smith suggests creating business related events through the fan page while keeping personal and social events within your personal page. Add more visibility to your event by asking invitees to invite their friends to the event.

Live micro events on your fan page

The fifth way is to offer live micro events on your fan page, like hosting web seminars through live-streaming  This promotes interaction between you and your fans, as well as adding value to your upcoming event.

Encourage attendees to engage and share

The sixth and final way is to encourage attendees to engage and share. Simply encourage the people coming to your event to write on your Facebook wall, as well as share the event to other people. This gives your event even more visibility and can get more people to express interest and attend your event.

Author Bio: Li a John is an IT professional from Test4prep.  Are you really Looking for this 220-701Test Question assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of 220-702Test Question  and pass your exam easily.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How To Measure the Success of Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

How To Measure the Success of Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

How To Measure the Success of Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Most companies find it quiet impossible to measure the ROI of their social media promotions. As per, Direct Market Association, one dollar spent on direct response campaign, will typically generate more than 10 dollars. They are certain because from last fifty years, they have been monitoring their transactional statistics from direct mail, direct TV response, paid search and other campaigns.

If you are new to SEO and social media world, then you will need to get familiar with the three categories that will aid you to calculate the rate of returns from your promotional campaigns. Social media metrics can be divided into 3 different categories to make it simple.

  1. Quantitative Metrics – These metrics are full of intensive data and numbers, which can overwhelm you. So, the trick is to select the key metrics, which influences your business. The metrics to choose include page views, demographics, followers, bounce rates, frequency, and length of the visit, or any other metric that is particularly data-oriented.

  2. Qualitative Metrics – These metrics have an emotional or subjective element in them. For instance, if 70% users mention your online product as, ‘cheap’, whereas the remaining 30% call it ‘economical’. The meaning is same, but this qualitative metric impacts your business very strongly. Few companies out there design their offers with data analysis of qualitative metrics on the internet.

  3. ROI Metrics - Social media is a platform for sociali ation, but for business entity it should be a way to attain ROI. Organi ations apply social media podium for making money. However, you will have to keep track of the percentage of visitors your website has converted into customers. Thus you will be able to calculate the efficiency of your social media campaign on ROI basis.

The bottom line is that your social media campaigns on Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube and MySpace must effectively direct users to your site’s landing page, from where you can convert them from probable patrons to paying customers. Social Media is not the final destination for marketers, but a vehicle that helps you to reach your objective. SEO is another way to get your business found.

Here is a great example of how conversations through social feedbacks were benefitted by a celebrity chef. The chef’s FaceBook page had attained more than one million fans. Every time he posted his recipes on FaceBook, it displayed an average of 600 comments and 2000 likes. He approached a content manager Hal Thomas at BFG Communications, asking if the statistics was ‘good’.

Thomas explained that pure numbers do not tell much, but the best way is to compare the interaction level on each post. In this way they could find out if the chef’s fans responded more to his chicken recipes or fish recipes. If this data was tracked down, then it could be very helpful in deciding the kind of recipe that needs to go into the chef’s recipe book. Thus the book would be more successful, which explains the value of social media marketing.

When you are administering an online business, social media is necessary but to monitor it is also significant. It is undoubtedly the best way to promote your good services and trade name. It is not a toy but an active bomb that can explode anytime. Rumors and hoaxes have also been around the internet that has spread from networking sites to e-mail and chat rooms. This odd networking platform can teach you a lot from mistakes of others.

Some common social media gossips banging networks today are:

  1. Celebrity Deaths – In the history of internet celebrities, Justin Bieber is the most common death hoax victim. Other recent victim was Morgan Freeman. It seems that controversial celebrities are singled out for death hoaxes.

  2. Chain Mail – Many chain mail bu are spreading on social channels, because they promise you a pri e of some sort. It may also be about a sick child or an animal being ill-treated. People simply cannot help hitting the re-tweet or share button, when these things interest them. These rumors emotionally blackmail the user and make them share such information. It then becomes an opportunity for someone to earn something.

  3. Presidential Rumors – Almost everyone desires to know everything about their president. How can we forget the hoax video about President Obama giving Mexico a fraction of Ari ona?

  4. Fallacy regarding social networks – FaceBook is the granddad of social network platform, and it has been in rumors every now and then. Members were suggested to share a message which said that FaceBook would now charge fees, which spread like wildfire.

All the above example teach us that social media is a powerful tool. People visiting your site in search of guidance must be provided with truthful information. Thus it will build trust in them and they will come back persistently.