Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tracking Social Media Activities | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Social Media AnalyticsSocial media marketing can be defined as the process of gaining attention by advertising through various social media sites. It is usually aimed at increasing the traffic to your site. As we know, social media serve as a great inexpensive platform to reach thousands of people at once. It is easily accessible to everyone. Use of social media marketing activities helps organizations to implement their marketing campaigns with an ease. Moreover, it helps them to foster their brand awareness and improved customer service.

There are many tools which helps you to track your social media marketing activities. Some of the common and popular tracking tools are:

  • Social Mention: Social Mention is a tool which allow you to track and measure the popularity of your site i.e. who is talking about you, your organization, your brand, or any such topic related to your product. It reads the data from various social media platform and analyzes that data to provide you the most accurate information.

  • TweetDeck: TweetDeck is an effective and useful tool as it allows you to get feedbacks from most of the popular social networks. You can get these feeds in a single file by using the Tweet Deck dashboard. Not only this, you can also schedule tweets and can customize the feeds for various social search needs. Apart from this, you can create of list of those whom you follow as it helps you to manage different targeted groups.

  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is an easy to use tool which allows you to organize and execute campaigns across multiple social networks at once. It offers a secure, web-based dashboard which enables you to launch various marketing campaigns. Apart from this, it offers you an advanced feature of geo-location and geo- targeting which helps you to identify your potential customers. Hoot Suite also offers tools to help multiple collaborators be assigned to manage your social media accounts more securely.

  • Twilert: Twilert is a monitoring application particularly used for Twitter. This tool helps you to monitor all your keywords across the site. It is not restricted to major tags or highlighted text only; instead it monitors all the words within a tweet. Apart from this, it offers an easy platform for using social analytics. Beside this, you can also advance your search for particular topic or geographical area.

  • SproutSocial: Sprout Social helps you to monitor your social media activities efficiently and manage teams, social channels etc. It allows you to manage & grow your social presence across different online social platforms. You can publish or can schedule your updates with a single click. It offers an integrated service for many popular social media platform like Twitter, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, foursquare etc. where you can easily target your potential customers.

  • Sysomos: Sysomos is another great tool for monitoring various social media activities. Basically, Sysomos is a Greek word which means “everything together “. Along with its advanced features, this tool provides an insight to measure quick results which further helps you to decide how to carry on your social media activities. It collects data from blogs, Twitter, social networks, messages, boards, wikis and major news sources. Some of its products provide continuous updated snapshots of social media conversations, intuitive graphics and latest traffic results.

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service which provides statistics and easy to use analytical tools for SEO and analyzing marketing activities. It helps you to monitor your traffic sources, types of visitors, popular pages of your site, traffic according to the geographical location etc.

  • Google Alerts: Google Alerts is considered as the most popular and effective monitoring tool used for analyzing social media activities. This tool helps you to keep track of all things that you want. You can keep track of articles that are written under your name, can monitor certain keywords etc. Google Alerts instantly notify you whenever it finds any bad content from your side on any social media platform. It is very important for any organization to keep itself updated and Google alerts offers a great platform for the same as it helps you to monitor and track what is being said about you.

What tools do you use to track social media?

Sumeet Gaurav is a web enthusiastic and a technical guy who is currently working on the website Adda52.com. Adda52.com is an online gaming website for true game lovers where you can play online poker game and also you can learn how to play poker card game and know about various poker tips and strategies.

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Tracking Social Media Activities

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