Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 5 Social Media Metrics that Matter | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Social Media MetricsSocial media has become extremely popular and continues to thrive, so making sure that you read and understand your social media metrics is very important. You will be able to know about all aspects of your social media campaigns and check whether they are as effective as you would like them to be. So to make sure that you don’t miss any major information, let’s go over the 5 main metrics you should never miss.

Channel Reports

Channel reports will give you all of the details you need to know which social media sites are bringing you the most traffic. There are many different social media sites out there, so this metrics makes it easier to gauge how much each site is benefiting you and which ones might need more attention. Each social media sites works a little differently, so if your business is not compatible with a few, don’t worry too much and just focus on the sites that your business can thrive from.

Response Rates

Customers use social media to interact with companies, so you need to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to keep your response rates as high as possible. A large chunk of social media users prefer to contact a business through social media sites than over the phone, and its popularity continues to grow. So expect to be contacted more and more via social media sites.

If your business fails to respond to customers, this will give the impression that your company doesn’t care or doesn’t have enough resources to keep up with your customers. Either way, not responding to your customer is a very bad thing, so use this metric to keep on top of your response rates.

Conversion Rates

This is one of the most important aspect for any business because it will tell you how many people are actually converting into customers through your social media efforts. Keeping this metric as high as possible should always be a high priority since it increases your overall profits. If you start to see a drop in the conversion rates, you need to figure out why as soon as possible.

You can also check which pieces of content within your social media sites are converting people individually. This will let you know what kind of content your target audience likes and which ones are most effective.

The more people you are able to convert from your social media pages to your actual website, the better. Not only will you increase overall sales, but this also helps with SEO and other aspects of your website.

ROI Data

ROI data will let you know how much money you are spending to market on social media sites, and how many people from those sites actually turned into customers and spent money with your company. These metrics really help gauge how well each social media site is helping your company and will also help you allocate your marketing budget to certain sites. If you notice that one site is doing really good, then you might want to shift your budget towards that site more to increase how effective it is. Another option would be to shift your budget to a site that isn’t doing so well in an attempt to make it more effective.


This metric will go over how many likes, shares, and other aspects that help new people find your business. Each social media site usually has their own ways of tracking how many people are following you or like your content, but combining them all into one metric report will help read further into the data.

You can use this information for a number of reasons, such as seeing what type of content your audience likes the most. If you notice one type of content getting more attention that another, then you should focus more on making that type of content. You can also see what areas that you will need to work on in the near future. In the end, more people that are able to view your company or content, the higher the chance they are going to visit your website and do business with you.

Ness enjoys writing for MakeAWebsite – a site focusing on web hosting reviews. Visit their site to find useful tips and information on how our top web hosts perform.

Top 5 Social Media Metrics that Matter – Click to Tweet

Top 5 Social Media Metrics that Matter

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