Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Will BlackHat SEO still work in 2015? | Bosmol Social Media News

2015 SEO TechniquesBlackHat SEO refers to tactics and techniques which focus on achieving high SERP positions without following the search engine guidelines. Some of these tactics and techniques are parasite hosting, keyword stuffing, cloaking and sneaky redirects, hidden text and links, paid links and doorway pages . Non of these tactics works if used independently, but if they are used all together, they have the potential of getting a site rank high.

BlackHat SEO has a few advantages, like achieving top results very fast, targeting many keywords and it is also very easy to do for low-competition keywords. However, they also come with significant disadvantages: they are easily detectable by search engines and users; they only work on the short term; moreover, they put the sites that use them at risk of being penalized by the search engines. Google does not approve of these blackhat tactics because they work well, even if on the short term, and, in doing so, they make paying Google advertising money unnecessary.

Not all blackhat SEO tactics are created equal. Some of them are difficult to remove once the site you used them for is penalized by Google. The ones that are easy to fix include hidden links and hosted doorway pages when added to a domain you control. On the other hand, comment spamming is impossible to fix because you have no way to delete the links you spammed on other blogs, they could be live for years on end.

Even though Google has made several major changes in its ranking algorithm the last couple of years (Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird), changes that are meant to better detect unnatural links, I believe there is still room to use blackhat SEO tactics, especially for the most searched for keywords . 2015 might be the year of blackhat SEO. As the industry as a whole tends to adapt to the ever present changes in search algorithm, the black-hat practitioners are still using their tactics to achieve their goal.s i think Google needs to do a better job at maintaining the integrity of search rankings and recognize unnatural links .

2015 seems a good year for a few select blackhat techniques, that are derived from whitehat techniques with a little twist. Things like buying twitter followers, google plus circlesfacebook likes and Instagram Followers may become a thing of the past. One of them is guestblogging. A balckhat guest blog post could be made on a blog that is not related to your niche. To make it even more blackhat, you could use an optimized anchor in your blog post. Optimized anchors are still in use, and doing well not only in guest blog posts. The idea is to not over optimize the anchors. Linkbuilding is still an awesome way to help with your SEO even in 2015 because it is cheap, relatively easy and quick.

The caveat here is to not use low-DA backlinks. Heavy keyword content is still working. If you do not use long tail key words, if you add more content, not only more keywords in your text, you should be off the radar. The last blackhat technique I will cover is backlinking. While throwing a huge amount of links to a site will not do any magic, using this tactic combined with content, social media, and onsite factors might bring massive authority, high rankings and a lot of traffic .

The expected updates of the Google algorithms could swipe away many sites that use blackhat techniques. It is only a matter of time as when they to it and it is also a numbers game, as not all sites will be penalized. SEO is not dead and replaced by social media marketing, but it is changing at a fast pace. We just need to adapt to even its slightest changes and we will prevail, either in the white, gray of black spectrum.

Will BlackHat SEO still work in 2015?

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