Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How to Leverage Infographics for Any Industry | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Infographic MarketingInfographics are helpful for an abundance of people who are looking to increase and monopolize on their information. For many, it seems unlikely that infographics would contribute more than regular text pages. However, the appeal lies within the pictures, charts and bar graphs with minimalized and “straight-to-the-point” text.

For many standard and complex businesses, infographics will greatly assist their web presence by allowing them an alternative method of translating specific information regarding company products or services. Additionally, the sheer act of creating an infographic helps separate you from competitors that are still afraid of social media.

Why Infographics Work Well

Infographics contain specific data that is difficult for people to comprehend when written out in regular text-form. Companies should create and utilize infographics for the following reasons:

  1. Prevents short attention spans from clicking elsewhere. Infographics work well for people who have ADD and ADHD because it combats their short attention spans. On average, people determine within the first 2-4 seconds if they will continue to read further or go elsewhere. Infographics grabs the reader’s attention with large, bolded font and pictures.

  2. Consumers remember 80-percent of what they see. Contrarily, they remember only 20-percent of what they read. Therefore, anything placed in a visual context will be easily remembered versus something placed in textual context. For a company, it is pertinent that a consumer remembers as much information about their company as possible.

  3. Gives readers the opportunity to be engaged more often. Optimizing content to be more engaging is a key marketing strategy for any business that operates online. Consumers like to feel as though they have a way of interacting with the business and amongst one another. Visually appealing content will make the consumer feel like they are engaged.

  4. Prevent information overload for readers. Since the rise of the internet, information distribution is doubling every two years. This means that if there were only 50 GB worth of information back in 2000, there would now be 2,400 GB worth of information by 2014. Statistically, there is more data available in 2013 than a single computer can even handle. For this reason, companies must find a way not to overwhelm their consumers with information. Infographics allow a person to easily read and comprehend information without feeling the overload.

  5. Easier and more interesting for consumers to share. Since infographics are loaded with an abundance of information and are in picture-form, consumers have more accessibility and desire to share infographics. Written text contains only a minimal amount of re-sharing potential.

Can Any Company Create Infographics?

Companies or businesses tend to ask themselves, “Can infographics benefit my type of business?”

The answer to the question is simple – yes.

Any company can create infographics and receive these benefits for several reasons. The following are three reasons justifying the utility of infographics for any industry followed by an example of a diverse industry – not your typical social media savvy company.

Infographics are easily embeddable for WordPress and other website formats. Most bloggers and companies utilize WordPress since it is easily accessible and simple to use. Since infographics are saved in picture form, usually as a .jpg, .bmp or .png, they can easily be embedded in as an “added media” on WordPress.

Example:  CJ Pony Parts infographic | mustang auto-parts industry

Any company that has a following, whether big or small, will see results from showing infographics. Since infographics are easily shareable, they tend to be transferred and shared from one page to the next. Search engine optimization will soon kick in and as soon as Google crawl bots notice the influx of links back to your page, telling Google, “Hey, this site is pretty popular right now.” This helps boost up your PageRank.

Example:  12 Keys Rehab infographic | rehabilitation and recovery industry

Gain brand awareness by sharing infographics. Like a domino effect, companies that create infographics with their logo and brand name attached will no later see an influx in traffic then a higher page ranking and, lastly, more mentions on social media. For any company looking to make themselves into a potential high-profile client, infographics will play a large part in it.

Example:  Maxwell Systems infographic | construction software industry

Strategically Promote Infographics

Companies should not monopolize in infographics, but should use them accordingly. In addition to creative, neatly structured text and website formats – a company can create a wide viral spread of their brand.

Due to the “infographic movement” there are hundreds and hundreds of infographic directory sites to submit infographics for free backlinks and sharing.  These directories will help pass link juice to your site. More importantly,

On a Final Note

Keep in mind that creating an awesome infographic can be pricey if you don’t have an in-house designer. The average price for a professionally made infographic is about $400-$700. If you think that money can be put to better use in other facets of your business then steer away from infographics until you’re comfortable being a little flexible with the marketing budget.

It’s also important to remember that infographics are beneficial in the long-term. However, use them accordingly to get the most satisfactory results for sales, SEO, and brand awareness.

Written by Jesse Aaron. Jesse is a professional blogger with a passion for homebrewing. He writes on a variety of topics on his blog Mashbout. Follow Jesse on Twitter.

How to Leverage Infographics for Any Industry – Click to Tweet

How to Leverage Infographics for Any Industry

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