Thursday, October 3, 2013

Apple iOS 7 App Development Market Changes | Bosmol - Social Media & Web 2.0 Internet Marketing News

Apple ios7Apple has been redefining the dynamics of the smartphone market since its inception. Almost every Apple product has brought a revolution along with its release. Every new iPhone has set new records for the sale of iPhones across the globe. The reason for this success is not too difficult to decipher. With the excellence that Apple offers, this success is only obvious. Nevertheless, along with the users’ experience of smartphones, there is something else too that is greatly impacted by every new release of the Apple industry- it is the application development industry.

With the popularization of smartphones in the last five years, a new industry emerged- the industry for application development for different mobile operating systems. These applications have changes the way the people think, work, act, and entertain themselves. You can today find an application for practically everything.

With the change in the operating system, the application development industry also sees a massive change. In September 2013, Apple came out with its latest developments- the iOS 7, the iPhone 5c, and the iPhone 5S. The two new iPhones- iPhone 5c and iPhone 5S both carry the new iOS 7. Therefore, it is the iOS 7 that will change the game now. With some additions and other changes, the iTunes would see a hustle of new applications and many apps being upgraded for the new operating system. Since 2007, Apple always made a few minor changes to the operating systems, which did not greatly disturb the app development world. This time however, the iOS 7 includes a number of features that can make hundreds of applications outright redundant. Just a facelift for the apps won’t be sufficient.

Let’s have a look as to how the iOS 7 will impact the app development world-

Camera features- The iOS 7 gives you the option to sort your photos on the basis of time or location. There were hundreds of applications that were just doing the same. Now that the feature is there in the phone itself, we do not need to download applications to do the same.

Siri- One of the most interesting features of the iPhone, Siri has also been upgraded with the iOS 7. With the integration of Siri with websites like Wikipedia, Twitter, and Bing and the photos in the phone, the applications relating to Siri also have a lot to look forward to.

Call block- Blocking unwanted people from calling or messaging you was a major app development avenue. Thousands of applications allowed you to block people from calling you. From blocking few specific numbers to blocking unknown numbers to blocking your entire contact list- you could do everything. Now, the iOS 7 gives you this easy option.

Security- the iOS 7 has significantly improved on the features relating to the security of the phone. With inclusion of a number of anti-theft features, iOS 7 has made useless the plethora of applications providing similar features.

Flashlight- The iOS 7 has an integrated flashlight. Earlier you needed to download an application for this.

New apps- However, the iOS 7 is not only bad news for the app developers. A number of features have opened grand new avenues for application development. One such area to look forward to is the AirDrop API. Be it an online internet advertising company in Melbourne or a social networking site in the Middle East or a fashion house in Europe, every business has a lot to gain from the latest operating system from Apple for their applications.

Ella rich is an advertising expert with specific knowledge in business development, online internet advertising company in Melbourne.It is important to get business the right exposure and that is why Ella has been exploring a lot about potentials of online business directories like My Business Central. She believes that business directories have great possibilities for businesses to grow.

Apple iOS 7 App Development Market Changes – Click to Tweet

Apple iOS 7 App Development Market Changes


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